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 Finding last day date code

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

274 Posts

Posted - 2014-08-01 : 03:38:42

Following up from a previous post where I wanted to determine the date of the last Saturday with respect to the current date so that I could create a temp table with date ranges numbered 1-4 e.g. up to that date, post link below:

I now want to make this function that any time I pass it a day name (mon-sun) it will calculate the date of the previous (mon-sun) with respect to the current day. This date will then be the last date in my range.

So for example I run the function and pass it 'Friday' then I want last date in my range to be the 25th of July (today being Friday so need last Friday), I pass it Thursday I want it to give me the 31st of July etc. I need last date of that date but if I call Friday and today is Friday then need last friday; I think this is the trickier part of it.

This calculation I would image would need to use a combination of datediff dateadd etc. but really don't know how to do this dynamically.

Currently I have a function that I pass the last date for the date range I want for my weeks range, I also give it the numbere of weeks I want in my range and also pass the date from the query that I want to know what week range it is in.

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[daterangeweeknumber]
-- Add the parameters for the function here

@refDate datetime,
@Weeks INT,
@lastdate datetime


-- Run procedure to populate table

-- Declare the return variable here

DECLARE @weeknumber INT
DECLARE @mytemptablevariable table (weeknumber INT,fromdate DATETIME,todate DATETIME)
DECLARE @weekfromdatedays INT
DECLARE @weektodatedays INT
set @i = 1
set @weekfromdatedays = -(@Weeks * 7)
set @weektodatedays = -((@Weeks * 7)-7)

while (@i <= @Weeks)
INSERT INTO @mytemptablevariable
values (@i, DATEADD(DAY, @weekfromdatedays, DATEADD(DAY, 1, @lastdate)), DATEADD(DAY, @weektodatedays, @lastdate))
set @i = @i+1
set @weekfromdatedays = @weekfromdatedays + 7
set @weektodatedays = @weektodatedays + 7

select @weeknumber = weeknumber
from @mytemptablevariable
where @refdate >= fromdate AND @refdate <= todate

-- Return the result of the function

RETURN @weeknumber


If I call the function with date range of 5 and 30/07/14 (UK date format) as last date:

It will give this data set:

weeknumber fromdate todate
1 2014-06-26 2014-07-02
2 2014-07-03 2014-07-09
3 2014-07-10 2014-07-16
4 2014-07-17 2014-07-23
5 2014-07-24 2014-07-30 <<< Last day 30th of July

But now I want just to be able to pass it the day name - in this instance would be 'Wednesday' and want it to return date ranges with last date as Wed the 30th of July.

Reason I want to use day name is that people will be running these reports on a certain day - for instance on Wednesday and last day to be Monday - and this will mean they do not have to keep changing the date in the call to function.

Hope someone can help with this.

Many thanks


Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2780 Posts

Posted - 2014-08-01 : 10:37:39
does this help?

Set datefirst 7
declare @daystoints table (d char(9), i int)
insert into @daystoints (d, i) values
('Sunday', 1),
('Monday', 2),
('Tuesday', 3),
('Wednesday', 4),
('Thursday', 5),
('Friday', 6),
('Saturday', 7)

declare @day char(9) = 'Wednesday'
declare @date date = convert(date, '01/08/14',3)
declare @dayint int = (select i from @daystoints where d = @day)
declare @daystosubtract int = (select case when @day = DATENAME(weekday, @date) then -7 else @dayint-6 end)

select dateadd(day, @daystosubtract, @date)
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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

252 Posts

Posted - 2014-08-01 : 14:23:53
DECLARE @dt datetime = '8/6/2014'

SELECT DATEADD(dd,(-1*CASE WHEN DatePart(DW,@dt) <= DatePart(DW,DATEADD(dd,-1,DATEADD(mm,1,DATEADD(DD ,- 1*datepart(DD,@dt)+1,@dt))) ) THEN -1*(DATEPART(DW,DATEADD(dd,-1,DATEADD(mm,1,DATEADD(DD ,- 1*datepart(DD,@dt)+1,@dt))))- DatePart(DW,@dt)) ELSE 7+ (DATEPART(DW,DATEADD(dd,-1,DATEADD(mm,1,DATEADD(DD ,- 1*datepart(DD,@dt)+1,@dt)))) - DatePart(DW,@dt) ) END ),DATEADD(dd,-1,DATEADD(mm,1,DATEADD(DD ,- 1*datepart(DD,@dt)+1,@dt))) )

This could probably be simplified
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