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 Using Stored Procedures on Multiple Databases

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

1429 Posts

Posted - 2001-05-24 : 15:41:28
I have a group of stored procedures in DB1
These stored procedures are controlled by a master procedure so:
SP1 calls SP2 and SP3


the stored procedures where written without fully qualified statements
so in any one stored procedure the statements
are as follows :
select id from tbl1


select id from db1.dbo.tbl1

I'm wondering If there is a way to use the use command to change databases or a way of executing the stored procedures from DB1 so that they affect tables in the databases they run on.

I've tried

SET @dbname = 'db2'

EXEC 'USE ' + @dbname + '
'EXEC db1.dbo.sp1'

but the stored procedure still affects db1 and not db2.

It would be a pain to go through and fully qualify every sql statement so a simpler solution would be nice.

Edited by - ValterBorges on 05/24/2001 15:49:05

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