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 Data conversion - MS SQL Server 2005

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

273 Posts

Posted - 2010-04-08 : 08:52:06
Question for the SQL gurus....

I'm researching a Data Conversion.

I've included the Table DDL and some sample Data (current data and expected results data)

The PATH column is the Primary Key.

Example Contents of Path column

Need to change to

Table DDL

Create table dbo.Article (
id int identity,
IW_State VARCHAR(255) not null,
path VARCHAR(255) not null,
contentArea CHAR(10) not null,
homepage CHAR(5) null,
title NVARCHAR(400) null,
summary NVARCHAR(1000) null,
keywords NVARCHAR(50) not null,
author NVARCHAR(50) null,
type CHAR(10) not null,
subArea CHAR(10) null,
publishDate datetime not null,
expireDate datetime not null,
articleLanguage CHAR(5) not null,
indexImage VARCHAR(255) null,
eventStartDate datetime null,
eventEndDate datetime null,
eventLocation NVARCHAR(50) null,
agentID CHAR(10) null,
ccText ntext null,
indexImageCaption NVARCHAR(100) null) ;

-- Create Primary Key PK_Article
alter table dbo.Article
add constraint PK_Article
primary key (path);

Sample Data (current)
244,"Original","templatedata\Article\ColumbiaArticle\data\2002-01_wuerl_en","COL",NULL,"Reflection and Guidance",
"The first in a new series of columns on Pope John Paul II's encyclicals and other major teaching documents.",
"encyclicals, wuerl","Bishop Donald Wuerl","COL","AUTH01","2002-01-01","9999-01-01","en",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL
241,"Original","templatedata\Article\ColumbiaArticle\data\2002-01_wuerl_es","COL",NULL,"Reflección y Guía",
"La primera de una serie de columnas acerca de las encíclas y de otros documentos didácticos del Papa Juan Pablo II.",
"wuerl, papa, juan pablo","Obispo Donald Wuerl","COL","AUTH01","2002-01-01","9999-01-01","es",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL
245,"Original","templatedata\Article\ColumbiaArticle\data\2002-02_wuerl_en","COL",NULL,"Focus on the Future",
"In his first encyclical, Pope John Paul II studied the human condition and set the stage for the sweeping scope of
his pontificate.","wuerl, pontificate","Bishop Donald Wuerl","COL","AUTH01","2002-02-01",

Sample Data (Expected results)
244,"Original","templatedata\Article\ColumbiaArticle\data\en\2002-01_wuerl","COL",NULL,"Reflection and Guidance",
"The first in a new series of columns on Pope John Paul II's encyclicals and other major teaching documents.",
"encyclicals, wuerl","Bishop Donald Wuerl","COL","AUTH01","2002-01-01","9999-01-01","en",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL
241,"Original","templatedata\Article\ColumbiaArticle\data\es\2002-01_wuerl","COL",NULL,"Reflección y Guía",
"La primera de una serie de columnas acerca de las encíclas y de otros documentos didácticos del Papa Juan Pablo II.",
"wuerl, papa, juan pablo","Obispo Donald Wuerl","COL","AUTH01","2002-01-01","9999-01-01","es",NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL
245,"Original","templatedata\Article\ColumbiaArticle\data\en\2002-02_wuerl","COL",NULL,"Focus on the Future",
"In his first encyclical, Pope John Paul II studied the human condition and set the stage for the
sweeping scope of his pontificate.","wuerl, pontificate","Bishop Donald Wuerl","COL",

This one of a couple of tables that I am looking at for the conversion project... about 4000 rows in this table..

Any Help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

DBA in the making
Aged Yak Warrior

638 Posts

Posted - 2010-04-08 : 09:16:46
If you want to trim the last 3 characters off of the path column, then use this expression:
LEFT(Path, Len(Path) - 3)

However, if the number of characters after the last _ is dynamic, then you'll need something more complex.

The bit that concerns me is the primary key. I don't like storing data in primary keys. I certainly don't like using a VARCHAR(255) column as a primary key.

In the DDL you posted, the ID column would be a candidate for a primary key, not the Path column. If you want to ensure that each Path is unique, then you can create a unique constraint on the Path column.

There are 10 types of people in the world, those that understand binary, and those that don't.
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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2010-04-08 : 13:35:58
Edited the post to add carriage returns. Please do not post so wide with code tags next time. Add carriage returns to avoid horizontal bars in a browser.

Tara Kizer
Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server

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