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 Points within a radius using pythagoras only

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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 2011-12-29 : 00:47:20

I know it is a common question about working out how many points (lon, lat) fall within a radius of another point but most answers and worked examples are using great circle.

I dont need that kind of accuracy so i want to use pythagoras to do it. However, i just cant find any worked examples - i just see people say use "Pythagoras". I understand pythagoras of course but im struggling with converting the radius in to miles / km and returning the correct results.

Please could somebody be kind enough to do a worked example as i dont believe what i have is correct..

The table contains various points with lon and lat values. I want to provide my current long and lat, a radius and the unit of measure (M or K) as params and get a list of all the points within that radius.

this is what i have but it doesnt work:

@Distance = 1
@Unit = 'K'
--i.e. 1KM radius

IF @Unit = 'M'
set @Offset = (@Distance/0.00062)/100000
ELSE -- must be km
set @Offset = @Distance/100000

FROM dbo.points
WHERE(Latitude between (@Lat-@Offset) and (@Lat+@Offset))
AND (Longitude between (@Long-@Offset) and (@Long+@Offset))

Really hope someone can help as i keep re-reading the same posts all the time and going round in circles :)


Starting Member

12 Posts

Posted - 2011-12-29 : 18:57:49
I looked up > Degree length > "Surface distance per 1° change in latitude" and "Surface distance per 1° change in longitude"
Using 30° (around east coast) as your latitude origin, yields Offsets 37.35 seconds (or 0.6225) for Longitude and 32.48 seconds(or 0.5413) for Latitude, PER 1 Km.

Change your Offset variables and try again. Hope this helps.

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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 2011-12-29 : 19:39:06
Hi ZY,

thanks for your reply - i think i have modified the sql as it should be but it still isnt working correctly - is the below what you expect to see?

Many thanks

my lat and lon values are:

point of origin: -33.88289498859485 , 151.22980040608218
point that should sit approx 1km from origin (this is stored in the table points) -33.883000, 151.217000

if i pass in @distance as 0.5 it still returns a result

declare @OffsetLat DECIMAL(9,6)
declare @OffsetLon DECIMAL(9,6)

--km only
SET @OffsetLat = 0.5413 * @Distance
SET @OffsetLon = 0.6225 * @Distance

(Latitude between (@Lat-@OffsetLat) and (@Lat+@OffsetLat))
AND (Longitude between (@Long-@OffsetLon) and (@Long+@OffsetLon))
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2011-12-29 : 22:02:36
The function on the link below should provide good results.

Function F_FIND_SEARCH_LIMITS will return values for a bounded search:

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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 2011-12-29 : 23:51:19
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the code for the function but i want to avoid the great circle method as i dont need that kind of accuracy... I have indexes on my lat and lng columns so i can very quickly return results using Pythagoras but i can't seem to find a worked example for this.

I have found lots for great circle :(
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2011-12-30 : 00:40:22
Originally posted by schott19

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the code for the function but i want to avoid the great circle method as i dont need that kind of accuracy... I have indexes on my lat and lng columns so i can very quickly return results using Pythagoras but i can't seem to find a worked example for this.

I have found lots for great circle :(

Since you haven't been able to get your code to work, I thought I would post some code that does work, just in case that's important to you.

At the very least, you can use it to test your code against it.

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22859 Posts

Posted - 2011-12-30 : 05:35:27
I think we are talking the same thing, but I do:

Define (Lat & Long) co-ordinates for the top-left and bottom-right of a box whose sides are the "radius" of your search. e.g. 1 km.

Find all points within that box - similar to your code:

WHERE (Latitude between (@Lat-@OffsetLat) and (@Lat+@OffsetLat))
AND (Longitude between (@Long-@OffsetLon) and (@Long+@OffsetLon))

and then apply Great Circle formula to those to trim them to only those within a circle, for accuracy.

However, I think this is your problem:

SET @OffsetLat = 0.5413 * @Distance
SET @OffsetLon = 0.6225 * @Distance

unless you are dealing with a very small zone, within the world, and it is not close to the poles, then I think this is too Rough & Ready.

Calculate the Top-Left (i.e. North West) point of the square, and the Bottom-Righ (i.e. South East) accurately, then:

WHERE (Latitude between @BottomRightLat and @TopLeftLat)
AND (Longitude between @TopLeftLong and @BottomRightLong)

some caution may be required when the "square" spans 0 degrees (or wherever the wrap-around-point is.

See also: (which also includes a comment from MVJ that care is needed when calculating the co-ordinates of the square to be sure it fully contains the circle)
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Starting Member

12 Posts

Posted - 2011-12-30 : 11:24:34
I checked google map and realized the offset I gave you was incorrect...

Using Wikipedia's numbers at 30 degree: 110.852 km and 96.486 km

Point of origin: -33.88289498859485 , 151.22980040608218
distance 1 KM (4 Square KM box)
Lat between -33.87387395 and -33.89191603
Long between 151.2401646 and 151.2194362

so try these new offsets:
SET @OffsetLat = @Distance / 110.852
SET @OffsetLon = @Distance / 96.486

FROM dbo.points
WHERE(Latitude between (@Lat-@Offset) and (@Lat+@Offset))
AND (Longitude between (@Long-@Offset) and (@Long+@Offset))

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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 2012-01-03 : 01:41:41
Hi All,

Thanks for all your great posts - i've found one that seems the most correct so I will put it here in case anyone else needs it.

Special thanks to boogiezy - the below is very similar to your solution but accounts for the curve when getting the longitude range.

And also to MVJ - on the post where i found this solution you have confirmed the caclulations are correct

original post i got this code from:

DECLARE @StartLatitude float
DECLARE @StartLongitude float
DECLARE @Miles float
DECLARE @HighLatitude float
DECLARE @LowLatitude float
DECLARE @HighLongitude float
DECLARE @LowLongitude float
DECLARE @LatitudeRange float
DECLARE @LongitudeRange float

SET @StartLatitude = -33.88289498859485
SET @StartLongitude = 151.22980040608218
SET @Miles = (@km * 0.621)

Set @LongitudeRange = @Miles / (((Cos(@StartLatitude * pi() / 180) * 6076.0) / 5280.0) * 60)
Set @LatitudeRange = @Miles / 69.045454545454545454545454545455
Set @LowLatitude = @StartLatitude - @LatitudeRange
Set @HighLatitude = @StartLatitude + @LatitudeRange
Set @LowLongitude = @StartLongitude - @LongitudeRange
Set @HighLongitude = @StartLongitude + @LongitudeRange

SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM <Yourtable> WHERE (Latitude <= @HighLatitude AND Latitude >= @LowLatitude) AND (Longitude <= @HighLongitude AND Longitude >= @LowLongitude))

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Starting Member

5 Posts

Posted - 2012-01-03 : 01:42:50
just realised that this isnt really pythagoras anymore but that was my starting point when investigating how to do this..
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