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 allowing ? in TSQL equal to _

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Posting Yak Master

148 Posts

Posted - 2012-11-09 : 10:39:41
Hi All:

I have a TSQL stored procedure like this:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SearchEntityDataNew]
@SearchText varchar(100) = '*'


IF CHARINDEX('*', @SearchText) = 0
SET @SearchText = '%' + @SearchText + '%'
SET @SearchText = REPLACE(@SearchText, '*', '%')

SELECT 'Entity' as pagetype,EntityID,EntityData,EntityDataID
FROM EntityData
WHERE EntityData LIKE @SearchText
union all
SELECT 'Property' as pagetype,PropertyID,PropertyValue,EntityDataID
FROM EntityDataProperty
WHERE PropertyValue LIKE @SearchText

I want to allow '?' in it which will be equal to '_' operator. How can I allow '?' so that if user types t_ then 'to' is returned. If user types _t then 'It' is returned.

Please suggest me solution to this:

Asif Hameed

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

6065 Posts

Posted - 2012-11-09 : 14:50:39
Not sure I understand your request. As you seemed to indicate the underscore <_> can be used with LIKE to wildcard any single character. You already have code to replace a star <*> with a percent <%>. So can't you do the same thing when a user enters a question mark <?> replace it with an underscore <_> ?

SET @SearchText = replace(REPLACE(@SearchText, '*', '%'),'?','_')

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