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 Can I pass a list of values as a parameter?

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Yak Posting Veteran

89 Posts

Posted - 2012-12-13 : 11:57:05
Is it possible to do something like this:

exec sp_executesql N'select age from person where

age IN @agelist',

N'@agelist nvarchar(25),',@agelist=N'(40,41,42,43)'

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

5155 Posts

Posted - 2012-12-13 : 12:24:24
No, it is not possible to do that except in the trivial case where you have just one entry in the comma-separated list.

Within the stored proc, you should split the comma-separated string into a virtual table and join to that table. There are string splitter functions available - an especially good one is here in Fig. 21: Copy that function, run it to install it and use it like in the examples on that page.

An alterative approach is to do something like the following:
','+@agelist+',' LIKE '%,'+CAST(age AS VARCHAR(8))+',%'
Splitting the comma-separated list is a better approach from a performance perspective.

There are other ways of passing arrays to a stored procedure - see Sommarskog's article here:
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