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 Should I use pivot for this

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Yak Posting Veteran

90 Posts

Posted - 2014-06-09 : 11:18:10
I have a table like this
club | Name
1 | Bill
1 | Tony
2 | James
1 | Alan
3 | John
3 | Ian

I need to transform this data to look like this.

club | name1 | name2 | name3
1 | Bill | Tony | Alan
2 | James
3 | John | Ian

I've looked at pivot tables and how they work but cannot understand how to do this. Can anyone help?

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2780 Posts

Posted - 2014-06-09 : 13:55:25
This takes care of the sample data:

with data(club, Name) as (select * from (values
(1, 'Bill'),
(1, 'Tony'),
(2, 'James'),
(1, 'Alan'),
(3, 'John'),
(3, 'Ian')
) d(a,b) ),

src as (
select club, Name, 'name' + convert(varchar(5), row_number() over(partition by club order by club)) as namen
from data

select club, name1, name2, name3 from src
pivot (max(Name) for namen in (name1, name2, name3)) pvt

but if you want unlimited club members, you'll have to make it dynamic. Basically the idea is to build up a list of column names for the final select and the value names in the pivot then execute a dynamic sql statement using those.

Here's one way to do that:

create table #data (club int, Name varchar(50))
insert into #data values
(1, 'Bill'),
(1, 'Tony'),
(2, 'James'),
(1, 'Alan'),
(3, 'John'),
(3, 'Ian')

declare @sql nvarchar(max) = '
select club, {collist}
from (
select club, Name, ''name'' + convert(varchar(5), row_number() over(partition by club order by club)) as names
from #data
pivot (max(Name) for names in ({collist})) pvt
declare @collist nvarchar(max)

;with colnames(colname) as (
select distinct 'name' + convert(varchar(5), row_number() over(partition by club order by club))
from #data

select @collist = (
select ', ' + colname
from colnames
for xml path('')

set @sql = replace(@sql, '{collist}', stuff(@collist,1,1,''))
exec (@sql)
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