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 Help with Update statment

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Yak Posting Veteran

61 Posts

Posted - 2014-06-16 : 14:40:04

Hi there

im not sure how to do this as im not great with update statements. I have a table that get populated with related ids. basically i want to periodicaly update the table and set the related ids to the last know id that was entered, so in the case below

this set

ID | LinkID | Active | Date
z5 | k2 | 0 | 01/01
s6 | k2 | 0 | 17/02
d7 | k2 | 0 | 21/03
d8 | k2 | 0 | 20/04
d9 | k2 | 1 | 02/05

would be updated to this

ID | LinkID | Active | Date
d9 | k2 | 0 | 01/01
d9 | k2 | 0 | 17/02
d9 | k2 | 0 | 21/03
d9 | k2 | 0 | 20/04
d9 | k2 | 1 | 02/05

Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2014-06-16 : 15:06:55
--create table/sample data
create table #temp (ID char(2), LinkID char(2), Active bit, [Date] datetime)
insert into #temp values ('z5', 'k2', 0, '01/01/14')
insert into #temp values ('s6', 'k2', 0, '02/17/14')
insert into #temp values ('d7', 'k2', 0, '03/21/14')
insert into #temp values ('d8', 'k2', 0, '04/20/14')
insert into #temp values ('d9', 'k2', 1, '05/02/14')
insert into #temp values ('a4', 'k9', 0, '01/01/14')
insert into #temp values ('z8', 'k9', 1, '05/17/14')

--the part you care about
;with cte1 (LinkID, [Date])
select LinkID, max([Date])
from #temp
group by LinkID
cte2 (ID, LinkID, [Date])
select t.ID, cte1.LinkID, t.[Date]
from #temp t
join cte1
on t.LinkID = cte1.LinkID and t.[Date] = cte1.[Date]
update t
set ID = cte2.ID
from #temp t
join cte2 on t.LinkID = cte2.LinkID and t.[Date] <> cte2.[Date]

--validate update
select * from #temp

drop ttable #temp

Tara Kizer
SQL Server MVP since 2007
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