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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-14 : 08:38:08
I read this wonderful explanation of SOA today (freely translated from swedish link)

SOA is about producing and consuming services. Services are not only about technology,
rather it's about abstracting away the technology and instead focusing on business.

which led me to realize that most words can be substituted for anything...

XXX is about producing and consuming fruitpies. Fruitpies are not only about pies,
rather it's about abstracting away the pies and instead focusing on fruits.
XXX is about producing and consuming manure. Manure is not only about crap,
rather it's about abstracting away the crap and instead focusing on nuggets.

which reminded me of this nugget: dilbert's mission statement generator


Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-14 : 08:41:46

Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow
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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-14 : 09:22:58
How about the "Web Economy Bullshit Generator"

I try to use something from this site every time I write a proposal.

"syndicate best-of-breed e-services"
"envisioneer innovative solutions"

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

4110 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 01:15:53
Ha ha ha ha,

Rockmoose, you should have been a stand up comedian!!!

keeping it simple...
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SQL Slinging Yak Ranger

1537 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 12:02:15
We have our own BS generator.

It’s called upper management.

Users <> Logic
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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 13:51:11
MVJ, that was really cool. ("Web Economy Bullshit Generator")

The longer you use it, the more You laugh...
Then your brain starts to melt..
After that you feel completely brainwashed...
And the last stage is that you feel like the CIO

Great stuff.

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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 15:39:31
It would be a great to recode the "Web Economy Bullshit Generator" as a stored procedure in order to "redefine value-added infrastructures", "implement scalable e-services", and "deliver best-of-breed platforms"

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Funky Drop Bear Fearing SQL Dude!

4970 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 17:43:25
Create Table BullshitTerm (
word varchar(200),
type char(10)


INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('aggregate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('architect', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('benchmark', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('brand', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('cultivate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('deliver', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('deploy', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('disintermediate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('drive', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('e-enable', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('embrace', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('empower', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('enable', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('engage', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('engineer', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('enhance', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('envisioneer', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('evolve', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('expedite', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('exploit', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('extend', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('facilitate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('generate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('grow', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('harness', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('implement', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('incentivize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('incubate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('innovate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('integrate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('iterate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('leverage', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('matrix', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('maximize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('mesh', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('monetize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('morph', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('optimize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('orchestrate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('productize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('recontextualize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('redefine', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('reintermediate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('reinvent', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('repurpose', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('revolutionize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('scale', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('seize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('strategize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('streamline', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('syndicate', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('synergize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('synthesize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('target', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('transform', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('transition', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('unleash', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('utilize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('visualize', 'verb')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('whiteboard', 'verb')

INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('24/365', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('24/7', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('B2B', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('B2C', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('back-end', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('best-of-breed', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('bleeding-edge', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('bricks-and-clicks', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('clicks-and-mortar', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('collaborative', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('compelling', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('cross-platform', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('cross-media', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('customized', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('cutting-edge', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('distributed', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('dot-com', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('dynamic', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('e-business', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('efficient', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('end-to-end', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('enterprise', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('extensible', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('frictionless', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('front-end', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('global', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('granular', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('holistic', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('impactful', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('innovative', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('integrated', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('interactive', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('intuitive', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('killer', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('leading-edge', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('magnetic', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('mission-critical', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('next-generation', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('one-to-one', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('open-source', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('out-of-the-box', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('plug-and-play', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('proactive', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('real-time', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('revolutionary', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('robust', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('scalable', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('seamless', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('sexy', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('sticky', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('strategic', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('synergistic', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('transparent', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('turn-key', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('ubiquitous', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('user-centric', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('value-added', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('vertical', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('viral', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('virtual', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('visionary', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('web-enabled', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('wireless', 'adjective')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('world-class', 'adjective')

INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('action-items', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('applications', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('architectures', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('bandwidth', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('channels', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('communities', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('content', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('convergence', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('deliverables', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('e-business', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('e-commerce', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('e-markets', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('e-services', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('e-tailers', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('experiences', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('eyeballs', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('functionalities', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('infomediaries', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('infrastructures', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('initiatives', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('interfaces', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('markets', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('methodologies', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('metrics', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('mindshare', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('models', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('networks', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('niches', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('paradigms', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('partnerships', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('platforms', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('portals', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('relationships', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('ROI', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('synergies', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('web-readiness', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('schemas', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('solutions', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('supply-chains', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('systems', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('technologies', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('users', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('vortals', 'noun')
INSERT INTO BullshitTerm VALUES('web services', 'noun')



Create Procedure MakeBullshit


(SELECT TOP 1 Word FROM BullshitTerm WHERE Type='verb' ORDER BY NewID()) as Verb,
(SELECT TOP 1 Word FROM BullshitTerm WHERE Type='Adjective' ORDER BY NewID()) as Adjective,
(SELECT TOP 1 Word FROM BullshitTerm WHERE Type='Noun' ORDER BY NewID()) as Noun


Exec MakeBullshit

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Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer

4149 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 17:50:14
Truly. This site has the strangest collection of SQL Server people I've ever known.

Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.
One crisis at a time.
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Funky Drop Bear Fearing SQL Dude!

4970 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 17:53:04
Where is the collection of normal SQL Server people ?

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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 18:28:31
Originally posted by graz

Truly. This site has the strangest collection of SQL Server people I've ever known.

I think most of us are quite normalized.

Merkin (I had trouble typing that......)
You just crack me up
That one goes straight to my model database as standard procedure.

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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)

7020 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 20:01:28
Finally, a really useful stored procedure!

If you provided that as a web service, you could automate every CIO job in the world, and "redefine global relationships", "unleash scalable web services", and "seize synergistic markets".

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Funky Drop Bear Fearing SQL Dude!

4970 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 20:14:53
If you provided that as a web service

Don't tempt me

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Funky Drop Bear Fearing SQL Dude!

4970 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 21:52:13

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Funky Drop Bear Fearing SQL Dude!

4970 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-15 : 21:54:14

A .Net console app to call the web service.

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SQL Slashing Gunting Master

3246 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-16 : 02:35:52
There's this song from the group Styx that just keeps coming to mind...

Too much time on my hands...

Infoneering: Information Technology solutions engineered to professional standards.
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-16 : 05:09:11
Originally posted by graz

Truly. This site has the strangest collection of SQL Server people I've ever known.

Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.
One crisis at a time.

And i'd give my right hand that that's exactly why this site is so awsome. Relaxed, charismatic, proffesional, addictive, tears-in-the-eyes funny, etc. AND we're all fully normalized as moose said.
that one is simply ingenious.
Anyone who doesn't agree with me can come to visit and we'll have a beer drinking duel

Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow
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22859 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-16 : 09:15:55
"we're all fully normalized"

Well, you're not - you haven't got a right hand any more ...

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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-16 : 09:20:53
damn it...

Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow
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22859 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-16 : 09:57:44
I'm amazed you can still type! Hmmm ... no capital letters, perhaps you are typing one handed

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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2005-03-16 : 10:01:19
i guess i should mention my "serializable cross-over hand-regeneration".

Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow
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