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 how to sum the cells in excel using asp

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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2005-06-28 : 07:25:17

i need to sum the values in different cells of an excel sheet which im getting from data base and which is in a loop and the number of entries depends on the user.Please help me out

im adding the code please check it out:

Response.ContentType = "application/"




dim objConn
set objConn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "provider=SQLOLEDB;data source=;initial catalog=RUT;user id=test;password=test;"

iMonth = Request.QueryString ("month")
iyear = Request.QueryString ("year")
intpid = Request.QueryString ("project")
inteid = Request.QueryString ("eid")

dim fDate
DIM fmonth
Dim fi

if iMonth = "February" and iYear mod 4 <> 0 then
iTo = 28
elseif iMonth = "February" and iYear mod 4 = 0 then
iTo = 29
end if

if (iMonth = "April" or iMonth = "June" or iMonth = "September" or iMonth = "November") then iTo = 30 end if

if (iMonth = "January" or iMonth = "March" or iMonth = "May" or iMonth = "July" or iMonth = "August" or iMonth = "October" or iMonth = "December") then iTo = 31 end if

dim rsobj1,rsobj2,rsobj5,rsobj9

sql1 = "select first_name from tblUserMaster where emp_id='"&inteid&"'"
set rsobj1 = objConn.Execute (sql1)

sql2 = "select distinct activity_id from tblTimeSheet where month='"&iMonth&"' and year='"&iyear&"' and project_id='"&intpid&"' and emp_id='"&inteid&"' and bill_non = ''"
set rsobj2 = objConn.Execute (sql2)

<b>Employee Name:<%=rsobj1("first_name")%></b>

<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></td>
<TD ><%=imonth%></TD>
<TD ></td>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>

<TD ><%=imonth%>

<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ><%=imonth%></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ><%=imonth%></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>
<TD ></TD>


<TR bgcolor="#ffffff" style="FONT-FAMILY: fantasy; BACKGROUND-COLOR: powderblue">

<td ><b>Client/Assignment</b> </td>
<td ><b>ProjectName</b> </td>
<td ><b>Remarks</b></td>
<td><b>Total Hrs</b></td>

<%for i = 1 to iTo

fi =i

fDate = fi & "/" & fMonth & "/" & iYear

Response.Write "<td align=center><b>" & i & "</p>" & weekdayname(weekday(fdate)) & "</b></td>"


<%'===============================================d efault activity============================%>

<% do until rsobj2.EOF%>
dim intactid,rsobj3
intactid = rsobj2("activity_id")

sql3 = "select activity_name from tblActivityMaster where activity_id = '"&intactid&"'"
set rsobj3 = objConn.Execute (sql3)

sql4 = "select no_of_hrs,remarks,date from tblTimeSheet where month='"&iMonth&"' and year='"&iyear&"' and project_id='"&intpid&"' and emp_id='"&inteid&"' and activity_id='"&intactid&"'"
set rsobj4 = objConn.Execute (sql4)


<%do until rsobj4.eof%>

<%if (rsobj4("no_of_hrs") < 8 ) then%>
<td><%=rsobj4("no_of_hrs")%></td>// I need to add the values i get in this td and display in the td with red colour and the number of values may change according to the user
<%end if%>






Premature Yak Congratulator

22864 Posts

Posted - 2005-06-28 : 09:42:59
You have to use loop to add the values to the variable
If you want to do this in query, use sum function in the query
Look in BOL for more information


Failing to plan is Planning to fail
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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2005-06-28 : 10:05:28
What is BOL? can u be bit more clear please

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Premature Yak Congratulator

22864 Posts

Posted - 2005-06-28 : 10:15:39
Books On Line - SQL Server help file


Failing to plan is Planning to fail
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