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 The Great Cursor Debate

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Starting Member

20 Posts

Posted - 2001-06-21 : 04:48:10
At the risk of seeming over sensitive I seem to be picking up some anti cursor vibes from the forum. I've used cursors for a particular job and am now beginning to have bad feelings about it as everything I read here posted by the 'wise ones' seems to be telling me I've got it all wrong.

So here it is - feedback would be appreciated.

There's a requirement to insert a copy of a record into a table on update. This applies to a number of tables in my database, and my sp knows which by checking a lookup table. Each of the tables has an autoincrement identity field on them so when I do the insert statement it reads:

insert into table1(field2,field3) select field2,field3 from table1 where....

field1 is the identity field so we leave that out. In order to avoid explicitly writing a separate insert statement for each table I've used a cursor in a function to return a variable containing a comma delimited list of fields.

The code reads:
DECLARE fieldcursor CURSOR for

select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
where table_name = @table_name
and ordinal_position <> 1

open fieldcursor
set @fieldlist = null
fetch next from fieldcursor into @fieldname while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
set @fieldlist = @fieldlist+','+@fieldname
fetch next from fieldcursor into @fieldname
close fieldcursor
deallocate fieldcursor
select @fieldlist = STUFF(@fieldlist,1,1,'')

I can then do a dynamic statement:
exec('insert into '+@table_name+'('+@fieldlist+') select...)

Am I just saving up trouble for myself by doing all this dynamically?


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