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 2000/2005 Compatibility?

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Posted - 2006-10-05 : 08:03:04
David writes "Good Morning:

We are trying to determine whether a database driven website built on SQL2000 can be migrated to a server running SQL2005. We've had two opinions which seem contradictory:

The site's programmer says we MUST have SQL 2000 and NOT 2005.

The hosting company's response was:
"SQL 2000 was discontinued and replaced by SQL 2005 in 2005, almost 2 years ago. SQL 2005 is 100% fully SQL 2000 compatible, there is no need to ever run SQL 2000 (almost 7 years old). They can connect using SQL Management Studio over port 5000 which is FREE to download We have instructions at :

They can simply download from that link a free copy of SQL Management Studio, install it, and manage your database remotely over port 5000. You can create the database in your Control Panel under Tools/Database Manager"

The programmer's response to their response:
"1. SQL 2000 is still in very common use in the industry. Yes it was launched almost seven years ago (and here I’d like to pause and thank the unnamed tech support for his cheerful assistance with the math) but it remains the industry standard while a number of quirks in MSSQL 2005 are ironed out. This is beside the point really, since:

2. SQL2000 and SQL2k5 are not 100% compatible. There is an upgrade process but when coding 1.1 against the server, some issues arise. More importantly:

3. Our specification for the site was for SQL2000 (largely because 2005 hadn’t been released when this project was begun). Any issues that arise due to the transfer from the specified platform to another one will have to be fixed on your nickel, rather than ours, since that isn’t the platform we were tasked to build against.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed. Please also confirm that 1.1 (as opposed to or alongside 2.0) is available on the server, as required.

SQL Team: Can you help clarify this for us? Thank you so much!"


12543 Posts

Posted - 2006-10-05 : 09:33:16
The hosting company's response was:
Mostly rubbish.

The programmer seems to have some idea what he's talking about though.

Cursors are useful if you don't know sql.
DTS can be used in a similar way.
Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy.
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22859 Posts

Posted - 2006-10-05 : 14:13:57
"SQL 2005 is 100% fully SQL 2000 compatible"

Bollocks. If they told me that they would have no chance of getting my business - what other bollocks would they tell me in the future? "Ah, when I said it was $1,000 p.a. I assumed you would understand that that means we will bill you $100,000 p.a." Yeah, right!

We have not attempted to migrate our clients to SQL2005 yet because of the huge amount of compatibility and performance testing we will have to do. The likelihood is that we will combine that with a new version of our application - which in effect means that existing clients will pay for the new version, rather than receiving it as part of their maintenance, and that will fund the cost of the migration work.

I know nothing about SQL2005, but I read the questions here, and its not uncommon that I go "O.M.G." seeing some poor soul having a problem that is going to be a significant issue for us in migration. When I stop going OMG then I will perhaps have enough knowledge to make a relatively pain free migration!

I didn't get an answer, yet!, to my recent request (which was with regard to a subtle change between 200 & 2005):

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