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 how perform replace on string w/ reserved words

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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2007-11-27 : 11:58:11
I have a table that contains 20K+ records that contain the text "[see below]" or similiar text that contains the reserved bracket characters. How can I do a mass replace removing this section from my string?

I have tried different approaches using Char(), variable replacement, contactinating the string but nothing works. I still get all records in the select test.

Doesn't work:
LIKE '%' + Char(91) + 'see below' + char(93) + '%'

Here is my ideal structure for a replacement:

SET MessageFld = LEFT(MessageFld, CHARINDEX('[', MessageFld) -1) + RIGHT(MessageFld, LEN(MessageFld) - CHARINDEX(']' ,MessageFld) -1)
WHERE MessageFld LIKE '%[%see below%]%'


Aged Yak Warrior

702 Posts

Posted - 2007-11-27 : 12:40:22
It's covered in books online:
Using Wildcard Characters As Literals

You can use the wildcard pattern matching characters as literal characters. To use a wildcard character as a literal character, enclose the wildcard character in brackets. The following table shows several examples of using the LIKE keyword and the [ ] wildcard characters.

For example:

SET MessageFld = LEFT(MessageFld, CHARINDEX('[', MessageFld) -1) + RIGHT(MessageFld, LEN(MessageFld) - CHARINDEX(']' ,MessageFld) -1)
WHERE MessageFld LIKE '%[[]%see below%]%'

Future guru in the making.
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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

491 Posts

Posted - 2007-11-27 : 13:17:27
Does your database column contain multiple occurrances of these 'reserved words'? If so, you will also need some recursion. I wrote a function some time in the past to do this (back in our SQL 2000 days):

/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[StripPattern] Script Date: 11/27/2007 13:14:17 ******/
This procedure takes in a pattern match parameter (see syntax for PATINDEX)
and remove any characters that do not adhere to that pattern.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[StripPattern]
@Input VARCHAR(8000),
@Pattern VARCHAR(100)
WHILE PATINDEX(@Pattern, @Input) != 0
SET @Input = REPLACE(@Input, SUBSTRING(@Input, PATINDEX(@Pattern, @Input), 1), '')


This utilized the pattern matching functionality of the PATINDEX function and can easily be enhanced to accept another input parameter to represent the replacement string (I hardcoded '' since the intent was to strip out bad data).
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