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 What is wrong (MySQL vs MsSQL)

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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-28 : 10:08:21
I have been using MySQL for a long time but because of company policy changes I have started to switch from MySQL to MsSQL

OMG MsSQL is very slow with every thing it does compared to MySQL. I.e updating 300.000+) data in a table with 15 million+ records using 'update' syntax. In MySQL it was done in 4 minutes. In MsSQL it was not done in 20 minutes (and then I stoped it in anger)

I have a script that I have created to give our daily revenue. In MySQL that takes 30 sec to finish. In MsSQL it takes atleast 1.30 minutes.

I have 1,5G of memory and MsSQL uses it all. MySQL uses 200mb at most.

What am I doing wrong. Is it the memory or what can it be? I have indexed the tables in the same way. I really don't know what to do anymore.

Perhaps You can give me some hints

Tx in advance ;-)

Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-28 : 10:12:53
Perhaps you could show us the scripts?

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

3575 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-28 : 10:12:58
you haven't given us any information we can use to help you.

please post your table ddl, some sample data and the queries you want to improve.

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2179 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-28 : 19:05:45
You need to consider such things as indexing strategy to maximise performance on various queries

Jack Vamvas
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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-29 : 02:07:44
Here is the MySQL script:

  set @from_date = '2008-01-01';
set @to_date = last_day(@from_date);

###Tabellen 'Allekunder' dannes
###Indeholder info om hver enkelt kundes aktiviteter i den givne periode

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS reports.daily;

CREATE table reports.daily (
dato date,
day_of_date varchar(20) default '-',
ugedag int null,
sales double null,
mersalg double null,
callc int null,
warehouse int null,
cost double null,
DB double null,
DG double null,
orderlines double null,
orders double null,
salesinvoice double null,
linesinvoice double null,
websales double null,
webpct double null

CALL quilldb.datecreate(@from_date, @to_date);

update reports.daily set ugedag = weekofyear(dato) where dato <> '';

update reports.daily a,
(select a.fakturadato, a.sales+b.gebyr as sales, a.cost, (a.sales+b.gebyr-a.cost) as DB, (a.sales+b.gebyr-a.cost)/a.sales as DG, a.orderlines, a.orders, (a.sales+b.gebyr)/a.orders as omsfak, a.orderlines/a.orders as linfak from
(select c.fakturadato, sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) as sales, count(distinct c.fakturanummer) as orders, count(c.fakturanummer) as orderlines, sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost,
count(distinct b.bestilkonto) as actives from quilldb.debkart a, quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where a.konto = b.bestilkonto and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and
c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135') group by c.fakturadato) a,
(select b.fakturadato, sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) as gebyr from quilldb.debkart a, quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where a.konto = b.bestilkonto and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer group by b.fakturadato) b
where a.fakturadato = b.fakturadato
) b
set a.sales = b.sales, a.cost = b.cost, a.db = b.db, a.dg = b.dg, a.orderlines = b.orderlines, a.orders = b.orders, a.salesinvoice = b.omsfak, a.linesinvoice = b.linfak where a.dato = b.fakturadato;

update reports.daily a,
(select c.fakturadato, c.websales+d.webgebyr as websales from
(select c.fakturadato, sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) as websales from quilldb.debkart a, quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where a.konto = b.bestilkonto and b.webordre = 'ja' and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and
c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135') group by c.fakturadato) c,
(select b.fakturadato, sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) as webgebyr from quilldb.debkart a, quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where a.konto = b.bestilkonto and b.webordre = 'ja' and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer group by b.fakturadato) d
where c.fakturadato = d.fakturadato
) b
set a.websales = b.websales where a.dato = b.fakturadato;

update reports.daily a set a.webpct = a.websales/a.sales;

update reports.daily a, (select ugedag, sum(websales)/sum(sales) as webpct from reports.daily group by ugedag) b set a.webpct = b.webpct where a.ugedag = b.ugedag and day_of_date = 'saturday';

call quilldb.orderedsale(@from_date, @to_date);
update reports.daily set dg = (sales - cost)/sales, salesinvoice = sales/orders, linesinvoice = orderlines/orders, webpct = websales/sales where day_of_date = 'monday';
update reports.daily set dg = (sales - cost)/sales, salesinvoice = sales/orders, linesinvoice = orderlines/orders, webpct = websales/sales where day_of_date = 'friday';
update reports.daily set day_of_date = 'Mersalg' where day_of_date = 'Saturday';
update reports.daily set day_of_date = '' where day_of_date = 'sunday';
update reports.daily set dato = null, day_of_date = 'Mersalg' where dato > last_day(@from_date);

insert into reports.daily values(null, 'Last Year', 0, 0, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
insert into reports.daily values(null, 'Max måned', 0, 0, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

SELECT @minuge := min(ugedag) FROM reports.daily d;
SELECT @maxuge := max(ugedag) FROM reports.daily d;

Call quilldb.mersalg(@minuge, @maxuge);

update reports.daily a,
(select sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) +
((select sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) from quilldb.debkart a, quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between date_sub(@from_date, interval 1 year) and date_sub(@to_date, interval 1 year)
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where a.konto = b.bestilkonto and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer)) as sales,
sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost from quilldb.debkart a, quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where a.konto = b.bestilkonto and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and
c.fakturadato between date_sub(@from_date, interval 1 year) and date_sub(@to_date, interval 1 year)
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
) b
set a.ugedag = year(@from_date)-1, a.sales = b.sales, a.cost = b.cost where day_of_date = 'Last Year';

set @mthmin = (SELECT quilldb.bestmth(@from_date, @to_date, month(@from_date)));
set @mthmax = last_day(@mthmin);

update reports.daily a,
(select sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) +
((select sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) from quilldb.debkart a, quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @mthmin and @mthmax
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where a.konto = b.bestilkonto and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer)) as sales,
sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost from quilldb.debkart a, quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where a.konto = b.bestilkonto and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and
c.fakturadato between @mthmin and @mthmax
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
) b
set a.ugedag = month(@mthmin), a.sales = b.sales, a.cost = b.cost where day_of_date = 'Max måned';

alter table reports.daily modify column dato varchar(20) default null;

update reports.daily set dato = DATE_FORMAT(dato,'%d.%M') where dato <> '';

and here is the MsSQL script:

-- =============================================
-- Author: David Skov Hansen
-- Create date: 2008-01-09
-- Description: procedure til dagsrapport
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [reports].[dailyproc]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@from_date smalldatetime

declare @to_date smalldatetime
declare @minuge int
declare @maxuge int
declare @mthmin smalldatetime
declare @mthmax smalldatetime
declare @x int
declare @y smalldatetime
declare @uge int
declare @mindate smalldatetime
declare @maxdate smalldatetime

set @to_date = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, 1, @from_date))
set @x = 0
set @y = @from_date

DROP TABLE reports.daily;

CREATE table reports.daily (
dato smalldatetime,
day_of_date varchar(20),
ugedag int null,
sales decimal(12,4) null,
mersalg decimal(12,4) null,
callc int null,
warehouse int null,
cost decimal(12,4) null,
DB decimal(12,4) null,
DG decimal(12,4) null,
orderlines decimal(12,4) null,
orders decimal(12,4) null,
salesinvoice decimal(12,4) null,
linesinvoice decimal(12,4) null,
websales decimal(12,4) null,
webpct decimal(12,4) null

while @y <= @to_date
set @y = DATEADD(day, @x, @from_date)
insert into reports.daily (dato, day_of_date)
select @y, datename(weekday, @y)
set @x = @x + 1

update reports.daily set ugedag = datename(week, dato) where dato <> ''

-- update reports.daily set sales = b.sales, cost = b.cost, db = b.db, dg = (b.sales-b.cost)/b.sales, orderlines = b.orderlines, orders = b.orders, salesinvoice = b.sales/b.orders, linesinvoice = cast(b.orderlines as float)/cast(b.orders as float), webpct = b.webpct, websales = b.websales from
-- (select a.fakturadato, a.sales+b.gebyr as sales, a.cost, (a.sales+b.gebyr-a.cost) as DB, a.orderlines, a.orders, (c.websales+d.webgebyr)/(a.sales+b.gebyr) as webpct, c.websales+d.webgebyr as websales from
-- (select c.fakturadato, sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) as sales, count(distinct c.fakturanummer) as orders, count(c.fakturanummer) as orderlines, sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost,
-- count(distinct b.bestilkonto) as actives from quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
-- where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
-- and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135') group by c.fakturadato) a,
-- (select b.fakturadato, sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) as gebyr from quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
-- from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
-- and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
-- group by c.fakturanummer) c where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer group by b.fakturadato) b,
-- (select c.fakturadato, sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) as websales from quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
-- where b.webordre = 'Ja' and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
-- and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135') group by c.fakturadato) c,
-- (select b.fakturadato, sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) as webgebyr from quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
-- from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
-- and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
-- group by c.fakturanummer) c where b.webordre = 'Ja' and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer group by b.fakturadato) d
-- where a.fakturadato = b.fakturadato and b.fakturadato = c.fakturadato and c.fakturadato = d.fakturadato
-- ) b where dato = b.fakturadato

update reports.daily set sales = b.sales, cost = b.cost, db = b.db, dg = (b.sales-b.cost)/b.sales, orderlines = b.orderlines, orders = b.orders, salesinvoice = b.sales/b.orders, linesinvoice = cast(b.orderlines as float)/cast(b.orders as float) from
(select a.fakturadato, a.sales+b.gebyr as sales, a.cost, (a.sales+b.gebyr-a.cost) as DB, a.orderlines, a.orders from
(select c.fakturadato, sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) as sales, count(distinct c.fakturanummer) as orders, count(c.fakturanummer) as orderlines, sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost,
count(distinct b.bestilkonto) as actives from quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135') group by c.fakturadato) a,
(select b.fakturadato, sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) as gebyr from quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer group by b.fakturadato) b
where a.fakturadato = b.fakturadato
) b where dato = b.fakturadato

update reports.daily set websales = b.websales from
(select c.fakturadato, c.websales+d.webgebyr as websales from
(select c.fakturadato, sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) as websales from quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where b.webordre = 'Ja' and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135') group by c.fakturadato) c,
(select b.fakturadato, sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) as webgebyr from quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @from_date and @to_date
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where b.webordre = 'Ja' and b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer group by b.fakturadato) d
where c.fakturadato = d.fakturadato
) b where dato = b.fakturadato

update reports.daily set webpct = websales/sales

update reports.daily set webpct = b.webpct from (select ugedag as newugedag, sum(websales)/sum(sales) as webpct from reports.daily group by ugedag) b where ugedag = b.newugedag and day_of_date = 'saturday'

set @x = 0
set @y = @from_date
while @y < @to_date
if ((day(@y) = 1 or day(@y) = 2) and (datename(weekday,@y) = 'Saturday' or datename(weekday,@y) = 'Sunday'))
update reports.daily set sales = sales + b.salesb, cost = cost + b.costb, db = db + b.dbb, orderlines = orderlines + b.orderlinesb, orders = orders + b.ordersb, websales = websales + b.websalesb from (select isnull(ugedag,0) as ugedagb, isnull(sales,0) as salesb, isnull(cost,0) as costb, isnull(db,0) as dbb, isnull(orderlines,0) as orderlinesb, isnull(orders,0) as ordersb, isnull(websales,0) as websalesb from reports.daily where dato = @y) b where ugedag = datename(week,@y) + 1 and day_of_date = 'Monday'
update reports.daily set dato = null, sales = null, cost = null, db = null, dg = null, orderlines = null, orders = null, websales = null, salesinvoice = null, linesinvoice = null where ugedag = datename(week,@y) and day_of_date = datename(weekday,@y)
if (datename(weekday,@y) = 'Saturday' or datename(weekday,@y) = 'Sunday')
update reports.daily set sales = sales + b.salesb, cost = cost + b.costb, db = db + b.dbb, orderlines = orderlines + b.orderlinesb, orders = orders + b.ordersb, websales = websales + b.websalesb from (select isnull(ugedag,0) as ugedagb, isnull(sales,0) as salesb, isnull(cost,0) as costb, isnull(db,0) as dbb, isnull(orderlines,0) as orderlinesb, isnull(orders,0) as ordersb, isnull(websales,0) as websalesb from reports.daily where dato = @y) b where ugedag = datename(week,@y) and day_of_date = 'Friday'
update reports.daily set dato = null, sales = null, cost = null, db = null, dg = null, orderlines = null, orders = null, websales = null, salesinvoice = null, linesinvoice = null where ugedag = datename(week,@y) and day_of_date = datename(weekday,@y)
set @x = @x + 1
set @y = dateadd(day, @x, @from_date)

update reports.daily set dg = (sales - cost)/sales, salesinvoice = sales/orders, linesinvoice = orderlines/orders, webpct = websales/sales where day_of_date = 'monday'
update reports.daily set dg = (sales - cost)/sales, salesinvoice = sales/orders, linesinvoice = orderlines/orders, webpct = websales/sales where day_of_date = 'friday'

update reports.daily set day_of_date = 'Mersalg' where day_of_date = 'Saturday'
update reports.daily set day_of_date = '' where day_of_date = 'sunday'
update reports.daily set dato = null, day_of_date = 'Mersalg' where month(dato) > month(@from_date)

insert into reports.daily values(null, 'Last Year', 0, 0, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
insert into reports.daily values(null, 'Max måned', 0, 0, null, null, null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null)

select @minuge = min(ugedag) from reports.daily
select @maxuge = max(ugedag) from reports.daily

set @uge = @minuge
while @uge < @maxuge + 1
select @mindate = min(dato) from reports.daily d where d.ugedag = @uge
select @maxdate = max(dato) from reports.daily d where d.ugedag = @uge
update reports.daily set mersalg = b.xtrasalg from
(select a.opsalg + b.xpsalg as xtrasalg from
(select sum(liniebeløb)*0.4 as opsalg from quilldb.debfakpost where fakturadato between @mindate and @maxdate and mersalg = 'Opsalg') a,
(select sum(liniebeløb) as xpsalg from quilldb.debfakpost where fakturadato between @mindate and @maxdate and (mersalg = 'Plussalg' or mersalg = 'Krydssalg')) b) b
where day_of_date = 'mersalg' and ugedag = @uge
set @uge = @uge + 1

update reports.daily set ugedag = year(@from_date)-1, sales = b.sales, cost = b.cost from
(select sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) +
((select sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) from quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between dateadd(year, -1, @from_date) and dateadd(year, -1, @to_date)
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer)) as sales,
sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost from quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and
c.fakturadato between dateadd(year, -1, @from_date) and dateadd(year, -1, @to_date)
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')) b
where day_of_date = 'Last Year'

select @mthmin = reports.bestmth(@from_date, @to_date, month(@from_date))
select @mthmax = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, 1, @mthmin))

update reports.daily set ugedag = month(@mthmin), sales = b.sales, cost = b.cost from
(select sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) +
((select sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) from quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @mthmin and @mthmax
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer)) as sales,
sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost from quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and
c.fakturadato between @mthmin and @mthmax
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')) b
where day_of_date = 'Max måned'

alter table reports.daily alter column dato varchar(20) null

update reports.daily set dato = cast(day(dato) as nvarchar(4)) + '. ' + cast(datename(month, dato) as nvarchar(12)) where dato <> ''

select isnull(dato, ''), isnull(day_of_date, ''), isnull(ugedag, ''), isnull(replace(sales, '.', ','), '') as sales, isnull(replace(mersalg, '.', ','), '') as mersalg, isnull(callc, '') as callc, isnull(warehouse, '') as warehouse, isnull(replace(cost, '.', ','), '') as cost, isnull(replace(db, '.', ','), '') as db, isnull(replace(dg, '.', ','), '') as dg, isnull(replace(orderlines, '.', ','), '') as orderlines, isnull(replace(orders, '.', ','), '') as orders, isnull(replace(salesinvoice, '.', ','), '') as salesinvoice, isnull(replace(linesinvoice, '.', ','), '') as linesinvoice, isnull(replace(websales, '.', ','), '') as websales, isnull(replace(webpct, '.', ','), '') as webpct from reports.daily


The MsSQL is a procedure but the code is the same. I just made the procedures in the MySQL script and calls them.

@jackv: I use indexing on all the variables that coonects to each other on every table

@eyechart: table ddl? how to retrieve that?
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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-29 : 02:16:10
You should try to rewrite all correlated subqueries and use JOINs instead.
Also, several of the UPDATEs can be merged into one single UPDATE.

The MySQL query engine may be more intelligent with correlated subqueries than Microsoft.

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"
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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-29 : 02:29:08
Is joins better? and which update queries can be merged into one? :)
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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-29 : 02:51:15
And wouldn't an update of 300k+ records be better than to delete the same records and then insert again? Update procedure in MsSQL was a killer and after 20 min. I stoped it while the same procedure in MySQL took no longer than 4 min. That's strange :p
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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-01-29 : 03:51:42
Here is a starter.
What I can see, you could replace all this UPDATE with a single PIVOT query to get what yuou want.
And if you are using SQL Server 2005, thing are more easy.
The trick is to minimize the number of reads, of which you have plenty!

When using these two tables {quilldb.debfakjour, quilldb.debfakpost} you should only use them once and get all data back directly. Not cusing them over and over again for same WHERE filter...
ALTER PROCEDURE [reports].[dailyproc] 

-- Prevent unwanted resultsets back to client

-- Initialize variables
DECLARE @to_date smalldatetime,
@minuge int,
@maxuge int,
@mthmin smalldatetime,
@mthmax smalldatetime ,
@uge int,
@mindate smalldatetime,
@maxdate smalldatetime

-- Prepare user supplied parameter
SELECT @from_date = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', @from_date), '19000101'),
@to_date = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @from_date)

-- Remove all previous records
TRUNCATE TABLE reports.daily;

-- Insert nevessary dates
INSERT reports.daily
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, Number, @from_date)
FROM master..spt_values
WHERE Type = 'p'
AND Number < DATEDIFF(DAY, @from_date, @todate)

-- Update weekday and week columns
UPDATE reports.daily
SET day_of_date = DATENAME(WEEKDAY, dato),
ugedag = DATENAME(WEEK, dato)

-- Update some columns
SET y.sales = q.sales,
y.cost = q.cost,
y.db = q.db,
y.dg = 1.0 * (q.sales - q.cost) / q.sales,
y.orderlines = q.orderlines,
y.orders = q.orders,
y.salesinvoice = 1.0 * q.sales / q.orders,
y.linesinvoice = 1.0 * q.orderlines / q.orders,
y.websales = q.websales
FROM reports.daily AS y
SELECT a.fakturadato,
a.sales + b.gebyr AS sales,
a.sales + b.gebyr - a.cost AS DB,
a.websales + b.webgebyr AS websales
SELECT c.fakturadato,
SUM(c.liniebeløb * b.kurs) AS sales,
COUNT(DISTINCT c.fakturanummer) AS orders,
COUNT(c.fakturanummer) AS orderlines,
SUM(c.kostværdi * b.kurs) AS cost,
COUNT(DISTINCT b.bestilkonto) AS actives,
SUM(CASE WHEN b.webordre = 'Ja' THEN c.liniebeløb * b.kurs ELSE 0 END) as websales
FROM quilldb.debfakjour AS b
INNER JOIN quilldb.debfakpost AS c ON c.fakturanummer = b.fakturanummer
WHERE c.fakturadato >= @from_date
AND c.fakturadato < @to_date
c.varenummer <= '2021220'
OR c.varenummer BETWEEN '2100102' AND '8809999'
OR c.varenummer BETWEEN '9900130' AND '9900140'
OR c.varenummer >= '9999135'
GROUP BY c.fakturadato
) AS a
SELECT b.fakturadato,
SUM(b.gebyr * b.kurs) as gebyr,
SUM(CASE WHEN b.webordre = 'Ja' THEN b.gebyr * b.kurs ELSE 0 END) AS webgebyr
FROM quilldb.debfakjour AS b
SELECT fakturanummer
FROM quilldb.debfakpost
WHERE fakturadato >= @from_date
AND fakturadato < @to_date
c.varenummer <= '2021220'
OR c.varenummer between '2100102' AND '8809999'
OR c.varenummer BETWEEN '9900130' AND '9900140'
OR c.varenummer >= '9999135'
GROUP BY fakturanummer
) AS c ON c.fakturanummer = b.fakturanummer
GROUP BY b.fakturadato
) AS b ON b.fakturadato = a.fakturadato
) AS q ON q.fakturadato = y.dato

-- Update some percentage columns
UPDATE reports.daily
SET webpct = 1.0 * websales / sales

SET y.webpct = b.webpct
FROM reports.daily AS y
SELECT ugedag AS newugedag,
1.0 * sum(websales) / sum(sales) AS webpct
FROM reports.daily
GROUP BY ugedag
) AS b ON b.newugedag = y.ugedag
WHERE y.day_of_date = 'saturday'

-- Do a running total
set @x = 0
set @y = @from_date
while @y < @to_date
IF DAY(@y) IN (1, 2) AND DATENAME(WEEKDAY, @y) IN ('Saturday', 'Sunday')
UPDATE reports.daily
set sales = sales + b.salesb,
cost = cost + b.costb,
db = db + b.dbb,
orderlines = orderlines + b.orderlinesb,
orders = orders + b.ordersb,
websales = websales + b.websalesb
from (
select isnull(ugedag,0) as ugedagb,
isnull(sales,0) as salesb,
isnull(cost,0) as costb,
isnull(db,0) as dbb,
isnull(orderlines,0) as orderlinesb,
isnull(orders,0) as ordersb,
isnull(websales,0) as websalesb
from reports.daily
where dato = @y
) AS b
where ugedag = datename(week, @y) + 1
and day_of_date = 'Monday'

update reports.daily set dato = null, sales = null, cost = null, db = null, dg = null, orderlines = null, orders = null, websales = null, salesinvoice = null, linesinvoice = null where ugedag = datename(week,@y) and day_of_date = datename(weekday,@y)
if (datename(weekday,@y) = 'Saturday' or datename(weekday,@y) = 'Sunday')
update reports.daily set sales = sales + b.salesb, cost = cost + b.costb, db = db + b.dbb, orderlines = orderlines + b.orderlinesb, orders = orders + b.ordersb, websales = websales + b.websalesb from (select isnull(ugedag,0) as ugedagb, isnull(sales,0) as salesb, isnull(cost,0) as costb, isnull(db,0) as dbb, isnull(orderlines,0) as orderlinesb, isnull(orders,0) as ordersb, isnull(websales,0) as websalesb from reports.daily where dato = @y) b where ugedag = datename(week,@y) and day_of_date = 'Friday'
update reports.daily set dato = null, sales = null, cost = null, db = null, dg = null, orderlines = null, orders = null, websales = null, salesinvoice = null, linesinvoice = null where ugedag = datename(week,@y) and day_of_date = datename(weekday,@y)
set @x = @x + 1
set @y = dateadd(day, @x, @from_date)

update reports.daily
set dg = 1.0 * (sales - cost) / sales,
salesinvoice = 1.0 * sales / orders,
linesinvoice = 1.0 * orderlines / orders,
webpct = 1.0 * websales / sales
where day_of_date IN ('monday', 'friday')

update reports.daily
set day_of_date = 'Mersalg'
where day_of_date = 'Saturday'

update reports.daily
set day_of_date = ''
where day_of_date = 'sunday'

update reports.daily
set dato = null,
day_of_date = 'Mersalg'
where DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000101', dato) > DATEDIFF(MONTH, '19000101', @from_date)

INSERT reports.daily
SELECT null,
'Last Year',


SELECT null,
'Max måned',

select @minuge = min(ugedag) from reports.daily
select @maxuge = max(ugedag) from reports.daily

set @uge = @minuge
while @uge < @maxuge + 1
select @mindate = min(dato) from reports.daily d where d.ugedag = @uge
select @maxdate = max(dato) from reports.daily d where d.ugedag = @uge
update reports.daily set mersalg = b.xtrasalg from
(select a.opsalg + b.xpsalg as xtrasalg from
(select sum(liniebeløb)*0.4 as opsalg from quilldb.debfakpost where fakturadato between @mindate and @maxdate and mersalg = 'Opsalg') a,
(select sum(liniebeløb) as xpsalg from quilldb.debfakpost where fakturadato between @mindate and @maxdate and (mersalg = 'Plussalg' or mersalg = 'Krydssalg')) b) b
where day_of_date = 'mersalg' and ugedag = @uge
set @uge = @uge + 1

update reports.daily set ugedag = year(@from_date)-1, sales = b.sales, cost = b.cost from
(select sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) +
((select sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) from quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between dateadd(year, -1, @from_date) and dateadd(year, -1, @to_date)
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer)) as sales,
sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost from quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and
c.fakturadato between dateadd(year, -1, @from_date) and dateadd(year, -1, @to_date)
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')) b
where day_of_date = 'Last Year'

select @mthmin = reports.bestmth(@from_date, @to_date, month(@from_date))
select @mthmax = dateadd(day, -1, dateadd(month, 1, @mthmin))

update reports.daily set ugedag = month(@mthmin), sales = b.sales, cost = b.cost from
(select sum(c.liniebeløb*b.kurs) +
((select sum(b.gebyr*b.kurs) from quilldb.debfakjour b, (select c.fakturanummer
from quilldb.debfakpost c where c.fakturadato between @mthmin and @mthmax
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')
group by c.fakturanummer) c where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer)) as sales,
sum(c.kostværdi*b.kurs) as cost from quilldb.debfakjour b, quilldb.debfakpost c
where b.fakturanummer = c.fakturanummer and
c.fakturadato between @mthmin and @mthmax
and (c.varenummer <= '2021220' or (c.varenummer between '2100102' and '8809999') or (c.varenummer between '9900130' and '9900140') or c.varenummer >= '9999135')) b
where day_of_date = 'Max måned'

update reports.daily
set dato = cast(day(dato) as nvarchar(4)) + '. ' + cast(datename(month, dato) as nvarchar(12))
where dato <> ''

select isnull(dato, ''), isnull(day_of_date, ''), isnull(ugedag, ''), isnull(replace(sales, '.', ','), '') as sales, isnull(replace(mersalg, '.', ','), '') as mersalg, isnull(callc, '') as callc, isnull(warehouse, '') as warehouse, isnull(replace(cost, '.', ','), '') as cost, isnull(replace(db, '.', ','), '') as db, isnull(replace(dg, '.', ','), '') as dg, isnull(replace(orderlines, '.', ','), '') as orderlines, isnull(replace(orders, '.', ','), '') as orders, isnull(replace(salesinvoice, '.', ','), '') as salesinvoice, isnull(replace(linesinvoice, '.', ','), '') as linesinvoice, isnull(replace(websales, '.', ','), '') as websales, isnull(replace(webpct, '.', ','), '') as webpct from reports.daily

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"
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