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 Get Start of the Week based on week

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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2009-12-11 : 15:06:44
Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to check with everyone.
Need a function to calculate the first day of the week (sun) for a given week number. Here's my first stab at it.

DECLARE @year int = 2010
DECLARE @cw int = 30

DECLARE @yearOffset int = 1900
DECLARE @offset int = -((@year-@yearOffset)%7)

DECLARE @dayOfYear smalldatetime = CONVERT(smalldatetime,(7*(@cw))) -- year is 1900 by default
DECLARE @currentDate smalldatetime = DATEADD(yy,(@year-@yearOffset),@dayOfYear) -- add offset to 1900
DECLARE @startOfWeek smalldatetime = DATEADD(dd,@offset,@currentDate) -- calc sunday start

SELECT @startOfWeek

-- one liner
SELECT DATEADD(dd,-((@year-1900)%7),DATEADD(yy,(@year-1900),CONVERT(smalldatetime,(7*(@cw)))))

Let me know if there are any errors.

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

1836 Posts

Posted - 2009-12-11 : 15:16:57
It'll help to have a look at this link.

Peter has already done some extensive research on this area I guess..
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