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 Article: Generating ADO Parameters with Information Schema Views

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0 Posts

Posted - 2001-12-09 : 15:53:00
In this article I show how to use an Information Schema View to generate ADO
Parameter code. Even if you don't use ADO, you'll want to read the section that
describes Information Schema Views. If you work with SQL Server long enough, I
am positive you will eventually find a use for them.

Article Link.

Starting Member

8 Posts

Posted - 2001-12-10 : 08:33:07
Well, innour company there was a student who wandered how to use parameters. He got so stuck after disgussing it with the one. How to deal with the parameter with ado/asp rather than ado/vb? Rather tricky question! hEllo to Alice anyway!

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Posting Yak Master

208 Posts

Posted - 2001-12-11 : 10:35:11
Sweet deal! That will save me loads of time! It works great for SQL Server 2000, but there doesn't appear to be a PARAMETERS view on either of our SQL 7 servers. Does anyone know how to create the PARAMETERS view for SQL Server 7? I tried just copying the one from 2000 but, 7 doesn't support CASE it appears.

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Yak Posting Veteran

53 Posts

Posted - 2001-12-11 : 18:10:00
Really useful script. A minor bug though when you use for example output parameters using varchar. No comma will be added before the varchar size. But I guess it's not to hard to add manually :)

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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2004-04-15 : 07:31:09
BTW, just thought I'd point out that if you use the Parameters.Refresh approach (which I do), you can access each parameter's name (as defined in the SP) by reading the .Name property of each Param object.

Here's a handy SP executing function that I wrote a while ago which exploits this technique (it will require a little work to make it usable, such as removing my debugging code and replacing calls to Kill() with your own object disposal code if you don't use the code that I posted on my [url=]blog[/url]):
'Created:	12/12/2002
'Author: Marcus Tucker
'Function: Executes a stored procedure (parameters are passed as two 1D arrays)
'Modified: 17/12/2002 Marcus Tucker Improved parameter adding code + added some error checking
' 29/04/2003 Marcus Tucker Parameter passing changed to two separate arrays (eliminates dictionary creation & destruction)
Function ExecuteSP(ByRef Conn, ByVal SPName, ByVal ParamNames, ByVal ParamValues)
Dim Command, RecordSet
Dim ParamCount
Dim SPParamCount, Param, Count, Str
Dim ParamName, ParamValue, SkipParams

'Debug.Print "ExecuteSP() - Attempting to execute '" & SPName & "'"
SkipParams = False

'Set up the Command object
Set Command = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set Command.ActiveConnection = Conn
Command.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
Command.CommandText = SPName

'Populate the parameters collection

Select Case True
Case IsBlank(ParamNames) And IsBlank(ParamValues)
SkipParams = True

Case (IsArray(ParamNames) And IsArray(ParamValues))
'both are arrays, that's perfect, do nothing!

Case Not (IsArray(ParamNames) And IsArray(ParamValues))
'neither are arrays, but they aren't blank,
'so assume they are single values expressed as strings and convert to arrays
ParamNames = Array(ParamNames)
ParamValues = Array(ParamValues)

Case Else
'something else - throw an error
Debug.Die "ExecuteSP() - " & SPName & " - " & Parameters 'ParamNames' and 'ParamValues' must either both be arrays or strings"
End Select

If Not SkipParams Then
ParamCount = UBound(ParamNames) + 1
SPParamCount = Command.Parameters.Count

Select Case True
'SP doesn't exist
Case SPParamCount < 1
Debug.Die "ExecuteSP() - " & SPName & " - Invalid stored procedure name """ & SPName & """"

'Number of parameters don't match
Case (SPParamCount - 1) <> ParamCount
Str = "ExecuteSP() - " & SPName & " - Number of parameters do not match! Required parameters are:<br />"
For Each Param in Command.Parameters
Str = Str & " - " & Param.Name & "<br />"
Debug.Die Str

'Fine, carry on
Case Else
'Loop through and set all the parameters that were supplied
For Count = 0 to (ParamCount - 1)
ParamName = ParamNames(Count)
ParamValue = ParamValues(Count)
Set Param = Command.Parameters("@" & ParamName)
If Param.Size < Len(ParamValue) Then
'Die with an explanation
Debug.Die "ExecuteSP() - " & SPName & " - Parameter '" & ParamName & "' has maximum field length of " & Param.Size & ", value '" & ParamValue & "' has length of " & Len(ParamValue)
End If
Param.Value = ParamValues(Count)
End Select
End If

'Set up the RecordSet object
Set RecordSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
RecordSet.CursorLocation = adUseClient
RecordSet.CursorType = adOpenStatic
RecordSet.LockType = adLockReadOnly

'Execute the Query
RecordSet.Open Command

'Dispose of the Command object
Set Command.ActiveConnection = Nothing
Kill Command

'Return the RecordSet
Set ExecuteSP = RecordSet
End Function


Marcus Tucker -
Analyst Programmer / SPF Mentor / voted SPF ASP Guru 02/03 & 03/04
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2916 Posts

Posted - 2004-04-15 : 07:52:44
Just remember the extra Network/SQL traffic generated!
this methodology should be used in development phase only..........
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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2004-04-15 : 13:23:31
Oh, absolutely, nothing comes free, and a cost/benefit analysis shouldn't be overlooked...

But surely 99% of the time the extra traffic that this generates is insignificant compared to the volume of real data returned when the SP is called?!

Marcus Tucker -
Analyst Programmer / SPF Mentor / voted SPF ASP Guru 02/03 & 03/04
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2916 Posts

Posted - 2004-04-16 : 05:22:19
The real benefit is only achieved during a development/code modification including the above, you can debug your code proving you have the right type/length/order of parameters....but once the code is 'fixed/launched', then there is no benefit to the end user in having the VB/ASP code scanning the SP looking for a full list of that stage they are already known and coded for.....all the end user gets is an unecessary performance hit.

Maybe you could put the 'parameters.refresh' inside...a 'to be executed during testing only' IF construct, so that you could get the best of both worlds....a consistant coding style that helps the coding process...while not affecting adversely the end-user when in production.

Remember if this code is execute 10000 times a day, then that's 10000 unnecessary calls to scan the SP for parameters.....and that performance hit all adds up.
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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2004-04-16 : 05:46:18
Originally posted by AndrewMurphy

Remember if this code is execute 10000 times a day, then that's 10000 unnecessary calls to scan the SP for parameters.....and that performance hit all adds up.
Yes, very true. Unfortunately I'm working in an environment where I don't have the luxury of squeezing every drop of performance out of an application, as much as I'd like to. So for my purposes it's an acceptable compromise between ease of development and performance. But for others like yourself, it may well be one performance hit too many.

The hardcoded approach that is the subject of the article requires that you create a separate COM object for each parameter, set property values, then add them to the Parameters collection and only THEN call the SP on the SQL Server. This therefore incurs some performance hit on the web server, but then minimal extra cost (i.e. only the cost of the actual query) on the SQL Server itself.

The code I posted above creates fewer objects and populates fewer properties, so I would have thought that the web server performance hit is less, but then the extra roundtrip to the SQL Server incurs an extra cost there.

Finally, the other alternative is to avoid using the Parameters collection completely and to use the "EXEC SPName Param1, Param2 Param3" syntax. I would have thought that this would incur a minimal performance hit on the web server, but some on the the SQL Server, as it has to parse the string to obtain the parameters. I suspect that this extra SQL Server-side cost would still be less than that caused by the Parameters.Refresh roundtrip.

IMHO all are perfectly valid approaches - it simply all depends on what you're factors you're trying to maxmise: ease of development, web server performance, db performance, or network performance! You can't win them all! :D

Marcus Tucker -
Analyst Programmer / SPF Mentor / voted SPF ASP Guru 02/03 & 03/04
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