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 The login already has an account under a different

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Starting Member

33 Posts

Posted - 2010-02-22 : 13:32:06
I'm trying to copy the database. I'm using the copy database from the task manager. If fails for the following reason.

description=Executing the query "CREATE USER [winadmin] FOR LOGIN [test\winadmin] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[winadmin] "
failed with the following error: "The login already has an account under a different user name.".
Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query<c/> "ResultSet" property not set correctly<c/> parameters not set correctly<c/>
or connection not established correctly. helpFile= helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC}
StackTrace: at Microsoft.... The package execution fa... The step failed.,00:09:54,0,0,,,,0

Pl help


5072 Posts

Posted - 2010-02-22 : 15:11:37
there is already a user in the target database mapped to that login. are you copying a user database or master? database already exists on target server? is login part of AD group that has been granted access?
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Starting Member

33 Posts

Posted - 2010-02-22 : 15:30:52
No I'm just trying to copy the Database in the same server. not master database. it's Production database to test database in the same server. Product database name: Prod Test database name : test(I have given this name in the Task manager when asked for the database name)
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5072 Posts

Posted - 2010-02-22 : 16:30:18
I'd just restore a backup then to a different name, using the WITH MOVE option to specify new filenames.

something like this
RESTORE DATABASE newDB FROM disk = '\\pathToBakupFile\old.bak'
Move 'old_data' to 'd:\sql\new.mdf'.
MOVE 'old_log' to 'e:\sql\new.ldf',
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