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 The future of Ask SQLTeam

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Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer

4149 Posts

Posted - 2010-07-21 : 15:55:12
Over the last year I've tried using the software behind Stack Overflow to run I haven't been very happy with the results. Some questions get good answers but many don't. Very few answers are voted up. And Fog Creek is discontinuing the service where sites like can use the software. Finally, I don't find myself visiting the site very often.

All this leads me to conclude that it's time to discontinue The site is going to be hosted on a temporary basis at OSQA. The existing URL will redirect and your accounts should transfer. I'm 99% sure the final home of your ask sqlteam accounts will be the Ask site on SSC ( Their site has grown faster and has a more vibrant user community.

The final migration should take place over the new few days. When it happens we'll update the URL to point to the new location.

For those of you that did participate, I hope you continue to use the software in its new location.


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