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 Proper Case for Column values

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Starting Member

4 Posts

Posted - 2002-05-24 : 13:27:57
-- For testing
SELECT * FROM authors
UPDATE authors SET city = UPPER(city)

-- Replace spaces with the @ character
UPDATE pubs..authors SET city = REPLACE(city, ' ', '@')

-- Handle case 1 - First item
UPDATE pubs..authors
SET city = UPPER(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(city), 1, 1)) + LOWER(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(city), 2, 30))

-- Loop while there are rows with the flag
WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM pubs..authors WHERE city LIKE '%@%')
-- Proper case the word after the flag.
UPDATE pubs..authors
SET city = SUBSTRING(city, 1, CHARINDEX('@', city)) +
UPPER(SUBSTRING(city, CHARINDEX('@', city) + 1, 1 )) +
LOWER(SUBSTRING(city, CHARINDEX('@', city) + 2, 30))
WHERE city LIKE '%@%'

-- Remove the first flag encountered in each row
UPDATE pubs..authors
SET city = SUBSTRING(city, 1, CHARINDEX( '@', city) - 1) +
' ' + SUBSTRING(city, CHARINDEX( '@', city) + 1, 30)
WHERE city LIKE '%@%'

Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer

4149 Posts

Posted - 2002-05-26 : 10:32:09
I'm not sure I understand what this is and why it's in the forum. Can you give a little better description please.

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