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 order by problem

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Posted - 2000-10-29 : 23:44:51
Rob writes "I have a commission_code table with 2 columns:

comm_code varchar(8)
amount smallmoney

This table populates a select on an asp page. Some of the comm_codes are numeric (1, 2, 23, 12, etc) and some are strings (L1, L2, S4, etc).

Is is possible to return the rows ordered by the numeric comm_codes followed by the strings in ONE sql statement?

I have tried 'select * from commission_code order by comm_code'. Using the data above, this returns 1, 12, 2, 23, L1, L2, S4. The numeric values are not in order. I cannot use convert() in the order by because it fails on the string values.

Currently I am using 2 sql statements with the isNumeric() function, and it gets the job done, but there has to be a better way.



Starting Member

8 Posts

Posted - 2007-05-15 : 15:49:52
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