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Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 04:49:32
How to update the Last Update Date of a modified record? I want to put this in table trigger . Or any setting can be used?Please help~~~~  |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2706 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 05:15:21
Create an update trigger that updates the date column.Could you paste your code here. |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 05:18:53
Something like thisUpdate YT set YT.DateCol=Getdate() from yourTable YT inner join inserted I on YT.keycol=I.keycolOtherwise post table structureMadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 05:54:43
If you do your UPDATEs through a Stored Procedure then better to change the Update Date there - a trigger will make the update "twice" - the first one is the normal update, the second one is the trigger's update. Also, if you bulk import data from somewhere else it will get "now" as the Update Date - that can be good, or bad. For us its "bad" because we want the update date from the "remote database" to be preserved.Here is our standard trigger template (which includes copying the previous version of the record to an Audit Table)---- Globally change:-- MyTrigger Name of trigger-- MyTable Name of table-- MyCreateDate Create Date Column-- MyCreateUser Create User Column-- MyUpdateDate Update Date Column-- MyUpdateUser Update User Column-- MyPrimaryKey Name of Primary Key Column (modify the code if multi-part PK)-- MyAuditTable Name of Audit Table-- NOTE: Audit Table needs two addition columns (at start of column list):-- MyActionCode char(1), MyAuditDate datetime-- and then all the same columns, in the same order, as the main table-- Search for "TODO" and perform the required action, then delete the TODO comment--PRINT 'Create trigger MyTrigger'GOIF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'MyTrigger' AND type = 'TR') DROP TRIGGER dbo.MyTriggerGOCREATE TRIGGER dbo.MyTriggerON dbo.MyTable/* WITH ENCRYPTION */AFTER INSERT, UPDATE, DELETEAS/* * MyTrigger Trigger for MyTable * * HISTORY: *--TODO Set Date and Initials here * 02-Nov-2005 XXX Started */SET NOCOUNT ONSET XACT_ABORT ON SET ARITHABORT ON DECLARE @dtNow datetime,--TODO Set the max width of the User Name column here (longer user_name() will be truncated) @strUser varchar(50) SELECT @dtNow = GetDate(), @strUser = user_name() UPDATE U SET-- Set Create/Update dates and users [MyCreateDate] = COALESCE(I.MyCreateDate, @dtNow), -- Set only IF NULL [MyCreateUser] = COALESCE(I.MyCreateUser, @strUser), -- Set only IF NULL [MyUpdateDate] = I.MyUpdateDate, [MyUpdateUser] = I.MyUpdateUser FROM inserted AS I JOIN dbo.MyTable AS U ON U.MyPrimaryKey = I.MyPrimaryKey -- AUDIT:Store any previous version (including where record is being deleted) INSERT dbo.MyAuditTable SELECT CASE WHEN I.MyPrimaryKey IS NULL THEN 'D' ELSE 'U' END, @dtNow, D.* FROM deleted AS D LEFT OUTER JOIN inserted AS I ON I.MyPrimaryKey = D.MyPrimaryKey/* TEST RIGINSERT INTO MyTable ( COLUMN LIST NEEDED ) values ( TEST VALUES LIST NEEDED )SELECT TOP 10 * FROM dbo.MyTable ORDER BY MyUpdateDate DESC */--================== MyTrigger ==================--GOPRINT 'Create trigger MyTrigger - DONE'GO-- Kristen |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 20:38:44
My table has User ID, User Role, User Access, Create Date, and Last Update Date. The table trigger is:CREATE TRIGGER tr_UserInfo_Update ON dbo.UserInfoFOR UPDATEASBegin Update UserInfo set UpdateDate = getdate () where ... (I have problem here)End |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 22:45:29
I found some sample codes using table name "insert" (as in Kristen's example), "updated", "deleted". Are they the SQL Server system tables to hold the inserted/updated/deleted records? |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 22:56:35
With reference to Kristen's example, may I use:Update UserInfo set UpdateDate = getdate () where exists (select * from Updated) Can this identified the modified record |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 01:19:18
oh~ no   I changed the trigger as above, using (select from updated), but got following error page when saving the record in the web application  Technical Information (for support personnel)Error Type:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)Invalid object name 'Updated'.  |
In (Som, Ni, Yak)
17689 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 02:16:33
CREATE TRIGGER tr_UserInfo_Update ON dbo.UserInfoFOR UPDATEASBegin Update UserInfo set UpdateDate = getdate () from inserted i, UserInfo a where i.pk1 = a.pk1End[KH] |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 05:26:28
oh I did it!! thanks KH    One more question, what if the table's PK is combined of 2 columns? |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 08:18:05
"CREATE TRIGGER tr_UserInfo_Update ON dbo.UserInfoFOR UPDATE"You don't want the update set for newly inserted records?"from inserted i, UserInfo awhere i.pk1 = a.pk1"Don't use this format, use the JOIN style in my example.You also need, at the very least, "SET NOCOUNT ON" otherwise you will get spurious resultsets which may muck up your application. You'd be better off with the other bits in my example too, but that's up to you.Kristen |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 10:56:33
Kristen, the new record will have the update date too.If I use AFTER UPDATE, that means the table will be updated(by trigger) again after performing the update(by transaction)? Will it cause an endless loop? |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 12:40:11
No, doesn't work like that. Update to the table itself, in its own trigger, do not recursively call the trigger, so its safe to update the table itself on either INSERT or UPDATE.Kristen |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 19:59:00
Kristen, thanks for your explanation.I'm not sure if I use getdate() as the default value of the create date column, is this a good way to do it? |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 23:04:53
what if the PK is combined of 2 or more columns? eg. UserID + CustIDIt seems I just can't simple use "and" to include them |
In (Som, Ni, Yak)
17689 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-04 : 05:27:36
Update UserInfoset UpdateDate = getdate ()from inserted i inner join UserInfo aon i.UserID = a.UserIDand i.CustID = a.CustID[KH] |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-06 : 07:54:07
"I'm not sure if I use getdate() as the default value of the create date column, is this a good way to do it?"Yup, that's a good plan. But an INSERT that specifically supplies a Date in that column will be preserved - whereas with the trigger you can have it force a value in for newly created records - if you want to.Personally the DEFAULT would do me - if I explicitly provide a date (e.g. copying records from some other database) then I almost certainly want to keep the original create date."what if the PK is combined of 2 or more columns?"As khtan said (although I don't think "Update UserInfo" will work because that table has been aliased to "a"), just for completeness using my code above as an example: FROM inserted AS I JOIN dbo.MyTable AS U ON U.MyPrimaryKey1 = I.MyPrimaryKey1 AND U.MyPrimaryKey2 = I.MyPrimaryKey2 Kristen |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-06 : 20:20:06
I wrote this in my table trigger: Update UserRole set UpdDat = @dtNow from inserted as i JOIN dbo.UserRole as r ON i.UserID = r.UserID and i.CustMasterID = r.CustMasterID and i.CustID = r.CustID Only the first column (UserID) is being used as key, that means the update date of all customers under the same user will be updated. |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-07 : 00:37:53
As I said before I'm surprised that usingUpdate UserRoleand then aliasing that table:JOIN dbo.UserRole as rworks, but I haven't tried it to prove it one way or the other!Kristen |
Yak Posting Veteran
97 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-07 : 02:55:03
I tried all the suggested ways, but only the first column is taken as the key Or please share how you guys update the record update date, not necessarily in table trigger. |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-07 : 12:23:16
[code]UPDATE USET UpdDat = @dtNowFROM inserted AS I JOIN dbo.UserRole AS U ON U.UserID = I.UserID AND U.CustMasterID = I.CustMasterID AND U.CustID = I.CustID[/code]Test with:[code]BEGIN TRANSACTIONUPDATE USET UpdDat = GetDate()FROM dbo.UserRole AS UWHERE U.UserID = 'SomeValue' AND U.CustMasterID = 'SomeValue' AND U.CustID = 'SomeValue'SELECT [Row Count] = @@ROWCOUNTROLLBACK[/code]If you do not get a Row Count of 1 then your vales for the three columns do not map to a unique recordsKristen |
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