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 sql-dmo (vb6 mssql 2000 )

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Starting Member

38 Posts

Posted - 2012-07-14 : 16:25:59
I am working with a project, and am asked to use vb6 and mssql 2000.
I am to perform the following task from the vb forms.

1. view all the servers(using combo box)
2. view all the database in the selected server(using tree view)
3. when a particular database is selected from the tree view, all the tables attached to it should be displayed in a list view (the list view should have check boxes.
4. clean-up (delete) the records in the selected selected tables
5. after clean-up search each table to see if there is a column called control or control1(it has bigint with increment identity (1,1) as datatype). Then alter it and reset the increment - identity (1,1) of the datatype, so that it starts from one(1).

I've resolved numbers 1, 2, and 3. Please how do i resolve 4 and 5 using vb6 and sql-dmo in mssql 2000. or any other method in vb6 and sql 2000.


Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

5155 Posts

Posted - 2012-07-15 : 12:45:40
I would use ADO.Net connection with VB code to do 4 and 5. Googling for it, I see that there are examples and documentaiton on links on this page:

Another good source:
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