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Chief SQLTeam Crack Dealer

4149 Posts

Posted - 2005-08-08 : 11:00:06
This weekend I switched over to a new application for handling subscription notifications. It runs offline and sends out subscription notifications every five minutes. This should also make posting faster. After this settles down for a day or so I'll begin to enable forum level subscriptions.

Please let know if you get any emails for are formatted incorrectly or just plain wrong (graz (at) sqlteam . com ). Also let me know if you think you should have received a notification and you didn't. But please remember that we only send out notifications every five minutes. If there are 10 posts to that thread in the five minute period you'll still only receive a single notification.

Creating tomorrow's legacy systems today.
One crisis at a time.

SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2005-08-08 : 22:38:23
They look very nice, thank You.

I miss the:
"xxx has replied ...."

Ok, since You are batching them, there are problems with that.
You could put just the name of the last/first person that replied, or maybe a Count.

Topic: Simple Quiz (2 replies)
( )

It's actually good that if there is a lot of activity, You get only one notification every 5 min or so,
iof a whole bunch continuously.

Now there is time to get a cup of coffee in-between.

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